Janek's weblog where all posts go to Eleven
All views and documentation expressed here are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.
Joshua Marinacci did it again. After an extensive study covering almost every Java-based webbrowser available (both, open-source and commercial), he launched a new project:Flying saucer - a pure Java XHTML renderer.
Since it is obvious that a single person can't develop a web browser by himself, he made an intelligent decision: cut the crap. Flying saucer won't be a browser. No bookmarks, history, javascript. It will support XHTML and CSS only. He reasons: "Since this is for embedding in my own programs most of the content will be generated by my own code. I don't need to deal with every browser bug and every malformed webpage out there. I could get by with strictly compliant pages and worry about quirks handling in a compatibility library.".
A prototype is available.