Dandy and Communist

Hey, that's a concept I like. More

No, Not Again

A while ago, I posted a hate blog about Adobe Reader 6. Today -- I suspect in order to snafu my Christmas holiday -- Adobe released Adobe Reader 7. More

And Now To Something Stupid

Ahh, memes. I love them. Especially the ones about intelligence. More

Exception When Writing To A Full Disk? Not In Java!

If you've ever hoped to get an exception when writing to a full disk in Java then get ready to be disappointed. More

Rockstars vs. Unit Tests

In the Joel on Software forum, there has been a huge discussion going on about unit tests and Rockstars. As The Wannabe Java Rockstar, I have my opinions, too. More


Gabba Gabby Hey. More

The Playlist Meme

Open up the music player on your computer, set it to play your entire music collection, hit the "shuffle" command, tell us the title of the next ten songs that show up (with their musicians). More

That Went Well

I moved janek.org to a different hoster. It was a surprisingly painless process. More


Fartleking anyone? More

Firefox Newspaper Ad Runs in Germany

To me, it was money well spent: Yesterday, an advertisement for Mozilla Firefox ran in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). Inspired by the effort to purchase an Firefox advertisement in the New York Times, 2403 German Firefox fans donated the money. More

Next Meme: Obscure Yet Indispensible Windows Applications

This deserves to become a meme: Cedric posted a list of obscure but useful Windows applications. Here's a collection of lesser known applications that I depend on. More

And You thought You Worked Hard - Continued

New stuff about working conditions at Electronic Arts. More

And You thought You Worked Hard

Slashdot carries a story about somebody working for Electronic Arts, the game studio. Working in crunch mode is the norm. More

AOL Kills Winamp

There are rumors that AOL killed Nullsoft, the software company that produces Winamp. More

What Makes Link Blogs So Successful

Do you wonder why link blogs, such as Erik's or Scott's, are so successful? Conventional wisdom says, you'll get readers if you have good content. Scoble has a different theory: link blogs are successful because they want people to go somewhere else. More

How to print PDF documents with Java

Adobe Reader ships with an ActiveX control that can print PDF documents. What looked like the perfect solution to printing with Java under Windows, turned into a week-long debug fest with questionable results. More

Filehand -- An Alternative to Google Desktop Search?

Considering the ballyhoo following Google's release of it's desktop search, I'd like to point to an alternative: Filehand. The new version 2.0 is free for non-commercial use. More

Would You Do It?

Weiqi raises an funny question: Would you Google yourself in front of others? More

WTF: Burleson Consulting Dress Code

This is fucking hilarious: Burleson Consulting Dress Code. More

Bad UI design kills

Via Joel's forum: Apparently, a company did not label the entry fields in it's drug pump product resulting in death's and injuries. More

It's been 8 fucking years

Today, after 8 years, Social Distortion released their new record Sex, Love and Rock 'n Roll. More

Bloglines vs. JAggregator 1:0

Almost three years ago I started the development of JAggregator. Today, I decided to stop development. More

Then you'll be cool too

Daddy, why don't you put on your sun glasses? More

Avoid InstallAnywhere At All Cost

On paper, InstallAnywhere looks like the perfect solution for all your installation needs; but if you look closer, it's full of bugs -- from small and subtle to downright embarrassing. More

A Couple Of Desktop Java Links

A Couple Of Desktop Java Links More

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday to me. More

Holiday Horrorstories. This Time: Rome, Italy.

Holiday. Rome, Italy. Pick-pockets. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? More

Back From The Death

I'm back. After a hard disk crash, I had to rebuild the entire site. More

Re: a JList feature

Diego found a feature (a bug?) in Swing's JList: it processes keystrokes to assist with keyboard navigation. As I discovered, JComboBox behaves similarly. More

Desktop-based Bug Tracking Software

If you need a simple bug database check out Pacsoftware's Bug Tracker. More

Ping Weblogs.com and Co with Python

I hacked a small Python scripted that pings Weblogs.com and Co. More

JNIWrapper - Java Desktop Integration Done Right

As an addendum to my articles about Java desktop integration, here's my recommendation to SUN. More

Can this possibly be efficient?

Is Rickards approach a solution or a problem? More


A couple of interesting links. More

The endless Blogger vs. Journalists debate

It seems Dave Winer had to realize first hand that bloggers aren't Journalists. More

InfoBus - An API for event-driven Swing programming

InfoBus is a powerful API for event-driven Swing programming. More

Better Desktop Java Wiki

I enhanced several categories in the new BetterDesktopJava-Wiki on java.net. More

Flying Saucer - Pure Java XHTML renderer

Joshua Marinacci did it again. After an extensive study covering almost every Java-based webbrowser available, he launched a new project: Flying saucer - a pure Java XHTML renderer. More

Der BDI und die Diktaturen

Der BDI tagte im Palast der Republik. Sie hätten es sich noch kuschliger machen können. More

Tray API for JDIC

Via Erik, via Charles: JDIC gets a tray icon api. More

Das ist nicht die c't, die ich kenne

Im Editor hilft eine aus Textverarbeitungen bekannte Rechtschreib- und Grammatikprüfung, syntaktisch und semantisch einwandfreien Code zu produzieren - noch bevor es ans Debuggen geht. Was ist nur mit der c't los? More

Re: JDIC criticism misses the big picture

Danno has a weblog where he publishes a lot of good articles about desktop Java. His latest post "JDIC criticism misses the big picture", unfortunately, misses the point. More

Gallespucken: Grünliberal wählen!

Michael Klarmann fragt sich zurecht, warum die SPD bei der gestrigen Europawahl abgestraft wurde, und ihr grüner Koalitionspartner nicht. More

Howto Deploy Firewall Settings in Windows XP SP2

Windows XP Service Pack 2 will include a new firewall. SP2 provides several interesting methods for configuring it. More

Named Parameters in Java

Robert likes named parameters. Here's my reply. More

Hannah sleeping

Hannah sleeping. More

Josephine, die Freestyle-Rapperin

Hoppe, hoppe Reiter / wir ham daran gedacht / und wenn sie nicht gestorben sind / dann gehen wir den Tisch decken. More

Losing Control - The Epoxies live in Berlin

I just returned from the Wild At Heart, where Portland's Epoxies played an energetic show. The Epoxies play catchy, new-wavy punk. Think of Kim Wilde on speed. More

Desktop Integration for Java Applications

SUN finally realized that in order to survive on the desktop, Java needs to integrate better with the underlying platform. Today, SUN released JDIC, the JDesktop Integration Components. More

JRex - Embedding Mozilla in Java

Everybody knows: HTML rendering with Java is a nightmare. A possible solution: JRex, a component based on Mozilla. More

Böhse Onkelz hören auf

Deutschlands wütendste Millionäre - die Böhsen Onkelz - machen Schluß. Das Beeindruckende: der eigene Pathos. Das Unangenehme: ihre Einfallslosigkeit. More

Yet Another Weblog aka First Post

Ok, all the cool kids in town blog so I decided to me-too. Why do I think I need a weblog? He're a couple of reasons. More